Monday, December 21, 2009

Soft in 60 Seconds

So everyone has been yelling at me to do new posts and I am so sorry! :S I have been super busy last week I had to go to a funeral and was all over the place and hardly had any access to a computer. I also have been working lots this week since well duh it is Christmas on Friday! :D This post will be short and sweet. But I promise that on Wednesday I will have a makeup tutorial :)

Living in Vegas and especially since it is winter. My hands are so dryer than the desert! :p But thankfully my sister recommended this amazing treatment, from one of my favorite stores! :) Crabtree and Evelyn :) My sister works there actually :) But anyways onto blogging.

Feel your hands as they are right now, just to keep a mental record of how different they will feel ;)

Everything you need is inside this tiny box. (Right) First of course take off your rings and bracelets so you don't any lotion on them. I always forgot to take mine off and always had a bunch of lotion stuck inside where the rinestone is! -.- hahaha
Now first use the La Source skin therapy hand recovery scrub. Squeeze about a dime sized amount into the palm of your hand and rub all over your hands. Do not

add water yet. Make sure you rub it in really good and even rub it into your cuticles to soften them up. Pay attention to rough edges or cracked skin to soften them up. Do this for about 10 seconds. Then add water and continue to rub it in for about 5 seconds. Next rinse your hands really well and get all of the scrub off your hands. After you rinsed it all off you want to pat your hands dry with a towel. Make sure they are completely dry before you move onto the next step. And finally you want to use the Las Source Hand Therapy lotion (Pictured left above). Take a dime sized amount and rub it into your hands. A little goes a long way, trust me ;) And Viola! You are finished! :D Piece of cake huh? ;D Notice how soft your hands feel dramatically softer! :) I would suggest doing this at least once a week. However I do this almost daily since my hands get dry frequently. But the choice is up to you.

You can purchase this quick fix at Crabtree & Evelyn for $24 :)
Questions? Comments? Email me! :D
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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Emerald City

So sorry guys it has taken me so long to write this :S I have been so busy with my new job. And I have been so tired because of my screwy hours :S haha So well here it is! as promised ;)
How to create this green eyeshadow look:

First of all, start off with a clean face. Foundation, concealer, eyebrows filled in, and powder. With powder you want to pour the loose powder into the cap and use a kabuki brush. (Pictured at the left) Move the brush in circular motion to catch all the powder into the brush. Then start with your forehead and move all around your face in circular motion. I use the lightest of the light liquid foundation, but I go a little darker with my powder so I don't look so ghostly white. It adds a little color to my face, but also doesn't make me look like I have a fake tan. It just looks natural ;)

All you need are three colors:
So first what you want to do is take a darkish green color. (First picture) And using your fingers apply it on your lids not passing your crease. You be the judge of how dark and dramatic you want it. I choose to use my fingers rather than my eyeshadow brushes because you can get more control using your fingers. Make sure you apply it evenly on both eyes. Next what you want to do is take a lighter green color. (Second picture) and apply it slightly above your crease, do not pass the brow bone though. Make sure you blend blend blend. You want to make the colors have no beginning and no end. They should look like one color fading out. If you want it to be more blended you can always use a blending brush to fade the colors to your liking. The last color is pearl shimmery white for the inner corners of your eyes and the brow bone. This is to highlight and brighten your eyes and make them appear larger. The next step is to line your eyes. Take a good eyeliner and line your water line. And I blink a couple times so my upper lash line will catch the eyeliner. Then I put another coat on my lash line and repeat the process. With this particular look I never really put eyeliner on my eyelids over my eyeshadow because I feel that it makes it too dramatic. And with this look you want to keep the eyeshadow the dramatic part. Plus it makes my eyes look smaller.

The finished product:
Have any questions? Did I not fully explain something? Are you confused? Email me! :D

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Sunday, November 8, 2009


Extensions are a great way to create a new look, 'cause lets face it nobody wants to wear the same hairstyle everyday. It's boring! So why not spice it up a little bit with some extensions? These just might be the greatest invention for women, ever! Let me tell you something, if you are a woman then you will need these sometime in your life! ;) A lot of my friends had several questions about them. So here I am clearing up the the confusion ;)

If you are going to spend your money buy the good stuff! The synthetic ones cannot be curled, straightened or be put under any heat. They don't last as long, you can't brush them much or the hair will fall out. You also cannot wash them because the hair will become tangled and ratted.

Human hair is the best choice. It can be washed, which is a good thing so that the hair doesn't pick up funny odors. You can curl, straighten and use whatever hair product you wish.

I use 16 inch clip in extensions. I bought them last year since I had short hair I wanted to be able to have that extra length. I now use them for extra volume when I am going to parties, out shopping, but mostly I use them for night time events. They are easy to clip into my hair, they tell you to tease the hair and hairspray it where you are going to place the clip of the extensions. However I only do this if I know I will be wearing them for a long period of time. My set came with 7 pieces, but that is too much hair for me since my hair is not thin so I only put 4 in and it gives me just enough volume.

Last years prom I wore 25 extensions, and ladies I won't lie that after the night was over my head killed! But that is also because I had 25 of them in and not 4 or 7. It was amazing since I am a crazy dancer I am so surprised that none of them flew out of my head. I almost took out my date with my hair though, I think he got whiplash :p Just kidding hahaha This was the result. I loved my hair that day! It was loud and full. I was wearing all straighten clip in extensions ranging from 16" to 20" We curled each inch of my hair and the extensions which by the way if you look at the picture you cannot tell which is my real hair and which is the extension ;)

I bought mine from a tiny store in the mall. That was in Michigan of course. But I found a good website to buy the extensions:
You can choose different color, sizes and styles.

The Jessica Simpson brand is not bad, she has real and synthetic types. Make sure you know what you are getting, read carefully or if you are at a store ask questions. I would recommend that you go to a store so that you can find one to match your hair perfectly. You can also feel it to make sure it is real and try it on if you'd like :)

I had a Jessica Simpson curly one piece extension and I didn't like it. It got really frizzy fast and the clips were so small that the piece wouldn't stay in your hair very well and could fall lop sided. I like some one piece hair extensions but I think I prefer the 7 piece clip in ones better :)

Questions? Email me!!
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Saturday, November 7, 2009

Short and Sweet

This post will be short and sweet :) I will show you how to create this hairstyle. "the side swipe" Perfect for school, dates, or if you are in a rush and don't know what to do with your hair.
First all you need is a handful of bobby pins and leave-in conditioner of your choice. I use Bed Head Ego boost leave in conditioner, and scunci bobby pins.
First you want to start with (duh) Clean hair. haha Now my hair is naturally curly, however if you don't have curly hair you have the option to curl it if you'd like. I just use my straightener and curl the hair around my face and straighten my bangs. But if you are in a rush you don't have to do any of that. It all depends on how you style your hair normally.

First you take the right side of your hair (it can be left as well, doesn't have to be the right) and move it to your left shoulder. Take the top half of your hair and bobby pin it securely to the left side of your head. then take the left side of your hair and pull it back as well so you are creating a half up half down look. For extra flair twist the hair before pinning it. Make sure all the hair is on one shoulder and discreetly pin all stray hairs.

Add the leave in conditioner to the top crown of your head and only on the pony tail you have created. This is to take care of any stray hairs. Remember this is to look messy so don't try to clean it up too much. And you're done! :D

Optional: I sometimes rat the crown of my hair for a tiny bit for extra fullness. To do this, you take a section of hair from your crown (the top of your head) and hairspray the roots (lightly) and rat down 3/4 of your hair. It will look funny if you don't brush it into place. So take a bristle hair brush and lightly comb the hair to tame it down just a slight bit. Another option is to create a "bump" and then swipe your hair to the side. I will post a tutorial on the "bump" in days to come ;) I also take a tiny piece of my hair on the right side and curl it with my straightener for a cutesy look :) Enjoy!

The finished product:

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Friday, November 6, 2009

Foundation, Concealer, and eyebrows. OH MY!

I am so excited for this blog! It has taken a long time for me to actually get it going. I have worked on headers this entire week and I basically hated each one. I finally sided with this one and kept it :) I really hope you enjoy this blog and I hope it helps. I will always put my email at the bottom of each entry so that if you have any questions or want to me to show how to do something else :D

Lets face it, makeup is intimidating to most women, and a lot of women don't like to play with color or are afraid it would be too "drastic." Let me tell you something, makeup doesn't have to scare you. You just have to know how to apply it, and which colors are right for you. Remember, less is ALWAYS more.

The first step is knowing your face. It may sound vain, but take a look in the mirror and study your face. Get to know every inch of it and take note of what you want to hide, what you want to show and what you want to extenuate. An artist always knows what type of canvas he is working with before he paints.

So lets start with the basics, foundation! There are several different foundations out there for all types of skin. How do you know what is good for you? Or you may be thinking "I can't afford those pricey brands" Well do I have good news for you! You can have have a beautiful makeup look with almost all the makeup being from drugstores! ;) If you have an even skin tone then you can automatically skip to the next step. However if you are like me and need extra coverage then make sure you apply this first. Personally I use L'oreal True Match: It's "super-blendable" and is truly a perfect match for my skin tone. Having such a fair skin tone I have trouble finding a good match. You can purchase this foundation at any drug store for about $11. That is cheap considering the name brands cost twice as much! For foundation I stress using your hands instead of a brush. You can get into every nook and cranny of your skin. I suggest applying it like this: shake your foundation bottle, got a dime sized drop on your index finger and apply just a tiny bit on both cheeks, forehead and chin. You may add any extra after if needed, but you don't want to apply too much. Rub it all in with both hands and make sure you get your neck especially if you are in the sun because if you don't it will look like you are wearing a mask. hehe

The only thing I believe you to put your money in is concealer! Concealer is the most important thing in your make up bag. It completes your beautiful, flawless skin look. So if possible save up your money, or even ask for concealer for Christmas. I don't care who you are, every woman in the world will need concealer. It lightens up your eyes and hides your imperfections. :) My top choice concealer is Erase Paste by Benefit. It is kinda pricey at $25. However it blends amazing and does the trick of hiding my dark circles and highlighting my eyes. If you do plan to buy this particular product I suggest not using the little tool they give you, it just makes things messy. I just use the end of one of my brushes and that seems to work just fine. How to apply concealer; everyone is different in their needs of coverage, the trick is to know your face. I always apply a tiny amount underneath my eyes, on the sides of my nose and even sometimes under my nose since that is where I have a lot of redness. Also apply a tiny bit on any imperfections. Try to be scarce so your concealer lasts for a long period of time. Make sure you blend blend blend! I always use a concealer brush which is fantastic to have and gets the job done. However sometimes my brush doesn't blend completely, sometimes I wipe my finger lightly underneath my eyes and it blends in perfectly. Out of all the brushes I have, this has to be my favorite brush and the good news? It is cheap! :D You can get one at CVS for $4.99! :D

The next most important thing to do is define your eyebrows! Especially if you wear glasses like me :) Because the glasses extenuate your eyebrows and people will notice them before your eyes. You can either use an eyebrow pencil or an eyeshadow for eyebrows. If your hair is dark use three shades lighter, if your hair is light use three shades darker. It looks more natural this way. I use Sephora's eyebrow Palette.
As you can see here, there are two shades. The first first shade on the left is a light brown (the shade I use) and the top color is the dark shade for black/dark hair. The last one in this palette is a gel, so that if you have pesky eyebrows that won't do what you want. This will help guide them the correct way and train them to grow the way you want them to look. Don't worry I will post all about eyebrows soon :D Another good tool to have is and eyebrow and lash brush, so you can literally comb the hairs to create the look you want.

So these are the basics, the ingredients if you will to a beautiful natural looking you. Next post will be eyeliner and eyeshadow. I will also do hair in the days to come, and show you how to do natural looks and play with color! :) Questions? Comments? Email me at:
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