Saturday, November 7, 2009

Short and Sweet

This post will be short and sweet :) I will show you how to create this hairstyle. "the side swipe" Perfect for school, dates, or if you are in a rush and don't know what to do with your hair.
First all you need is a handful of bobby pins and leave-in conditioner of your choice. I use Bed Head Ego boost leave in conditioner, and scunci bobby pins.
First you want to start with (duh) Clean hair. haha Now my hair is naturally curly, however if you don't have curly hair you have the option to curl it if you'd like. I just use my straightener and curl the hair around my face and straighten my bangs. But if you are in a rush you don't have to do any of that. It all depends on how you style your hair normally.

First you take the right side of your hair (it can be left as well, doesn't have to be the right) and move it to your left shoulder. Take the top half of your hair and bobby pin it securely to the left side of your head. then take the left side of your hair and pull it back as well so you are creating a half up half down look. For extra flair twist the hair before pinning it. Make sure all the hair is on one shoulder and discreetly pin all stray hairs.

Add the leave in conditioner to the top crown of your head and only on the pony tail you have created. This is to take care of any stray hairs. Remember this is to look messy so don't try to clean it up too much. And you're done! :D

Optional: I sometimes rat the crown of my hair for a tiny bit for extra fullness. To do this, you take a section of hair from your crown (the top of your head) and hairspray the roots (lightly) and rat down 3/4 of your hair. It will look funny if you don't brush it into place. So take a bristle hair brush and lightly comb the hair to tame it down just a slight bit. Another option is to create a "bump" and then swipe your hair to the side. I will post a tutorial on the "bump" in days to come ;) I also take a tiny piece of my hair on the right side and curl it with my straightener for a cutesy look :) Enjoy!

The finished product:

Questions? Email me:


Natan on November 19, 2009 at 1:19 PM said...

look at the email :') you rock

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