Monday, January 3, 2011


Meet Becka! One of my good friends from high school. She is 19 and is absolutely gorgeous! ;) She came and visited me during Christmas break and I used her as my guinea pig :p She didn't seem to mind.

Becka is the first person to be featured on my blog. :) And she isn't the last ;) Sorry for the lack of updates! I have been busy with stuff for the store lately.

Becka wanted something with a bright red lip. So I went for a sort of a burlesques look. I think she pulls it off very well :) She was so excited to be the first official "client" if you will. :p

I know I sound like a broken record by always telling you the same things first; moisturizer, primer, foundation, powder, and concealer.

For this look you want to make your skin a little bit lighter then usual for the bright red lips to look its best ;)

For the eyes we will keep it super natural all browns and really you can do whatever combination you want to. I used two brown MAC pigments they create a subtle wash over your eyelid.

I used two different colors from two different sets from MAC.
I used this Reflects Bronze color on her eyelid but only to the crease then brought the color down on her lower lash line. With Pigments you have to be careful they are purely powder and you will have fall outs (eyeshadow falling on your cheeks) So my suggestion would be to not put on concealer until you are all finished applying your eyeshadow.
Then I used this Jigs & Jive color over the other color on her eyelid and went a little past the crease.
Then I took a dark reddish purple color and blended it into her crease. Which gave her eye some definition and depth.

Next take a either a felt tip eyeliner or a liquid eyeliner (I used both) and line your eyes winging the ends of it. When using liquid eyeliner don't open your eyes right away keep them closed for a few seconds so that you don't get the liquid eyeliner on your already applied makeup.

Now apply false eyelashes Becka is wearing MAC ones. Apply a thin strip of glue, then wait 30 seconds to dry then apply lashes. Make sure it is as close to the lash line as possible.

Finished eye:

Next step is bright red lipstick. You have to line your lips before you apply red lipstick and a little trick to help your lipstick last all day long apply foundation on your lips. I used a NYX lip liner and lined her lips giving them a more defined shape.

Then I applied red Benefit lipstick all over her lips.

And for the last two steps take a bronzer (you can just use brown eyeshadow) and applied it on her cheek bones. Then took a highligher and applied it over the apples of her cheeks and right on her cupids bow (skin right above your lips) and right underneath her bottom lip.

And FINISHED! :D Thanks Becka for letting me use your face :p If you have any questions, comments, complaints or ideas email me! :)


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