Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Golden Gates

This look is perfect for a date, shopping or even work! I have to admit this has to be one of my favorite looks. First things first, start with a fresh clean face. Don't forget to put on moisturizer before your foundation! And fill in your eyebrows, and apply concealer.

First apply a shimmering gold across your eyelid. I am using the color on the left on the Sephora bronzer trio (pictured at right) Use a flat brush and apply all over eyelid not passing the crease. Also apply underneath your lower eyelashes and connect the color at the corner. So you have the base for a V like corner like so:

Next you want to take a darker shimmering gold eyeshadow I used the second color to the right from Covergirl's eye enhancer in brown shades:
And apply it only to the crease of your eyes. There isn't much difference between the two colors so it is okay if you mess up. Make sure you blend the colors so there are not any harsh edges. Then take the dark brown shimmery color and apply it just in the corner of your eye. Also apply it on the crease till you reach the middle. It should look like this so far:

Then take the lightest color from the Covergirl set and apply it on your brow bone and in the inner corners of both eyes. Next take a pencil eyeliner and apply it on your waterline. Blink a couple of times and then apply again.

Next step is the hardest and will take some practice if you are not used to using liquid eyeliner. I am using
Loreal telescopic liquid eyeliner in carbon black Do a couple of practice strokes on your hand to get the feel of the brush. Then apply as close to your lash line as you possible can. Making the line thicker at the end. Then when you reach the corner of your eye wing out the eyeliner. You may have to tweak it a little with some water and your finger to create that perfect tip. Try to make both eyes look similar, they don't have to match completely but at least look alike.

Your eyes should look like this so far:

Curl your lashes, a good trick is heating your metal eyelash curler with your hairdryer to create a better curl. Then apply mascara, my favorite mascara is
Loreal's Telescopic Mascara.

Next apply blush to the apples of your cheeks, and lightly brush your forehead and nose. Then to create a beautiful natural looking glow, I use Wet n Wild's Mega Glo and apply it on my cheeks in a circular motion and on my cupids bow (above your upper lip) and below my bottom lip also to make my lips stand out more. The last and final step is applying a gold lipgloss to complete the look.

Finished! Questions? Comments? Email me!


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