- Frizz problems? Don't wash your conditioner completely out. Leave a small hint behind, this will weigh the hair down guarding it from humidity and frizz. Make sure you don't leave too much on because that could make your hair look greasy.
- Don't shampoo your hair everyday, that is drying out your hair and scalp. Instead shampoo 3-4 times a week. On days you don't shampoo just rinse your hair and apply conditioner to your ends.
- If you use a flat iron or a curling iron daily it is important that you do a hot oil treatments your hair at least once a week. Hot oil treatments are not only cheap but you can do them in your own home :)
- Always brush your hair before you get in the shower, don't brush your hair after you get out. This is when your hair is the most venerable and creates breaks and stretches the hair.
- When drying your hair use your fingers till your hair is damp then use your brush.
- After you color your hair to avoid it fading do not wash it for 72 hours and only use color-safe products.
- For extra shine, when rinsing out your conditioner use slightly cool water. This also applies to your hair dryer. After your hair is completely dry use the cool button over your entire head.
- Try to let your hair dry naturally once and awhile to give it a break from all the heat and styling products.
- It is good to get a hair cut ever two months, at least getting a trim. Split ends are the worst enemy.
- Your diet has more to do with your hair health more than you think. Your hair is mostly made of protein which it makes sense that you need protein to keep it growing and healthy. Water is crucial to healthy hair, drinking at least 8 glasses a day is not only good for your hair but also your skin as well. If you have oily hair stay away from fatty foods.
Follow these steps and you will have the flawless hair you want ;)
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